Interior Decoration For Our Sweet Home
>> Tuesday
Living Room
Interior Decoration done with interest, perfection,good taste ,comfort and decoratives can make the home look not only pleasant and peacefull it makes us feel warm ,cozy and comfortable that makes us feel to stay at home.
- Light color paintings can be used to make the ceiling look higher than it really is
- For walls to look impressive you can use tinted mirror
- Coffee table and Furniture should be placed in convinient and attractive position
- Its better to have a Spacious Living Room if not also you can add beauty with proper selection of items at home
- Planning and Creativity plays vital to enhance the Beauty of your living room.
- Curtains should be light if room is small and it should match the wall color.
- Decorative Accessories like Plant,lamps,sulptors,pots ancient collection, glassware collection and small halogen lights can be used according to your room space and economy.